my Journey
It is almost a decade since I entered in the Carmelite formation. Many great things happened to me and I am very grateful to these. It was clear to me then why I entered in the seminary. It is because of my desire to be a priest and to be of service to the people. These were molded from my experiences since I was a child and part of it was the guide of my parents and some people whom I happened to met along my journey. I’m happy that until today my family is still there with me in my journey in Carmel. College formation life has its own dynamics if I were to compare it to where I am now. Being a college with a young mind and almost with the people of same age, you are always filled with awe, wonders and curiosities. I used these as my opportunity to grow and to be mature in my formation process. True enough that I graduated and made myself ready for the next challenging stage of formation in the Carmelites – the Postulancy.. When I was still in the college formation, I heard...